WordPress:Links Manager

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WordPress能够使你储存一组外部链接,也称作你的 友情链接。这些链接可以放到类别中,导入,导出,添加,删除,和编辑。链接类别也可以添加,删除,和编辑。这篇文章描述了怎样使用WordPress 管理面板的链接部分来执行以上的步骤。








;rel:这个链接的XFN 关系




你可以以下的方式来更改显示: ;限制到一个类别:从"在类别中显示链接"的下拉列表中选择一个类别(或者选择"所有的"来返回到显示所有的链接)并且点击显示,那么这个列表就会局限与你所选择的类别。





;Toggle可见性:你的博客上的访客可以看到或者看不到链接。点击"Toggle 可见性"立马使得所有的先前标记为可见性"是的"选中的链接变为"不是的",所有先前标记为可见性"不是的"的选中的链接变为"是的"。


添加 链接

right|thumb|添加链接界面。当你在主管理面板中点击"链接"的时候,然后点击"添加链接",你就会来到添加链接子面板,你可以在这里为你的列表添加一个新的链接。(在2.1版本或者WordPress以后的版本中,点击"友情链接" 然后"添加链接"。)界面与右边的图像相似,而且有以下的部分:

URI 或者链接地址 –你链接到的网页的URI,拥有http:// (http://example.com/)。
链接名称 或者 名称 –文本会显示在链接的博客界面上(John Doe的博客)。
简短的描述 或者 描述 –如果你的主题包含这个描述,这个描述文本就会放在真正的链接后面的界面上。当用户将他们的鼠标盘旋在一个链接上的时候,描述就会作为一个"工具小贴士"来显示。(John Doe的博客,不知名的博客作者)。
类别 –选择链接的类别。注意如果类别是一个"自动-Toggle"类别(这种类别会在界面上显示),只有添加在这个类别上的最后的链接才会显示在界面上,而类别中的旧的链接是隐藏的。在WordPress2.1版本中,通过在类别工具条中选中链接,链接可以放到多个类别中。在2.0.x版本中,在下拉列表中只能够选择一个类别。(友情链接)
链接关系 (XFN)
XFN (Xml 朋友网络)是一种方式来定义你和链接进来的访客之间的关系。例如,如果你与Harriet Smith一起工作,而且你链接到了她的博客,你可以核对合作者或者同事,意思是她是其中的一员。与crushes,日期,相同,你也可以说这是不是你的站点的另一个。


rel –规定了当链接的a 标签显示在界面上的时候,放入链接的 a 标签的rel属性。有的值可能是nofollow(如果你不想让搜索引擎来跟踪链接),作者,和smart。多个rel关键词必须以空格分开。
图像 URI –一个与链接一起显示的图像。这个可能是一个绝对URI (http://some.site/images/image.png)或者是一个相关路径(/images/some.png)。你可能希望这个图像非常的小,大概是16x16,与favicon相似。
RSS URIRSS feedURI,与链接相关,(如果你的模板允许的话,会在链接的旁边显示)。例子:http://example.com/feed/
记录 –你想要储存任何记录来作为链接的内部使用。例子:很好的设计,来自#wordpress。
链接的等级级别 –链接的等级级别,可以用来分类某一类中的链接。
Target –详细说明了链接的a标签显示在界面上时,放到链接中的target的属性,会描述用户点击链接的时候,网页会在哪里出现。有三个选项:
  • none:在同一个窗口或者框中打开链接(默认)。
  • _top:如果你正使用框架,在框架系统的最高级别中打开链接。
  • _blank:在一个新的窗口中打开链接。



right|thumb|管理链接界面。防止链接信息中有错误,或者要更改链接信息,WordPress提供了一个编辑 链接选项来编辑链接。

链接 > 管理链接子面板在链接的表格行中拥有一个编辑按钮。这个按钮能够使你进入编辑一个链接的子面板。

right|thumb|Edit Link screen.This mode is essentially the same as the WordPress:Add Link SubPanel. The only difference is that the buttons to save your work are called "Save Changes" instead of "Add Link". When you're done you can hit one of the three Save Changes buttons, whichever one is closest to the section that you're working on.

right|thumb|编辑链接界面。这个编码与添加链接子面板在本质上是相同的。唯一的不同在于,保存你的操作的按钮称作"保存更改" 而不是"添加链接"。你完成操作之后,可以按一下离你操作区域最近的三个保存更改按钮中的一个。

From within the Edit Link panel, you can change any or all of the options for the link, including XFN relationships, category, address, description, RSS URI, or any other detail.

编辑链接面板的内部,你可以链接的任何或者所有的选项,包括XFN关系,类别,地址,描述,RSS URI,或者其它的详细信息。

Deleting a Link


right|thumb|Manage Links screen.To delete a link, go to Manage Links. From the table list of links, identify the link you wish to delete. Click the Delete link for that link to delete it. Remember, you will not have a chance to cover from this delete. It makes a permanent change to the database.


right|thumb|Did you really want to delete that link?


A popup window with a confirmation should appear. Choose OK or Cancel if you hit the Delete link by accident. Remember, this is the only chance you have.


After making your choice, you will be directed back to the Manage Links page.


Link Categories


right|thumb|Link categories.Links in WordPress can be organized into categories, all the better for organization. The default installation of WordPress automatically sets one category, Blogroll. You are given the ability to add, edit and delete categories.


Note: You can't delete the Blogroll category, but you can edit it. You can rename it if you prefer another name.

Adding a Category


right|thumb|Adding a link category.To add a link category in WordPress 2.0, navigate to the Manage Links > WordPress:Link Categories SubPanel. The Add Link form is farther down the page.

right|thumb|添加一个链接类别。要给WordPress2.0中添加一个链接类被,导航到管理链接 > 链接类别子面板中。添加链接在页面的低下部。

The following options are available:


Name of the category. This is the name that will display on your site in your Links list.


Example: My Uber-kool Category


What you want to show with the category. You can choose any, none or all of these options. All of these depend on whether you have entered values when you added the link:


  • Images associated with the links in this category
  • 图像与类别中的这个链接相关
  • Descriptions of links in this category
  • 这个类别中的链接的描述
  • Ratings of the links in this category
  • 这个类别中的链接的等级级别
  • Updated indicates whether a link has been recently updated or changed. Note: Updated means when you last updated the link entry, not when the linked webpage was updated.
  • 更新的暗示一个链接最近有没有得到更新或者更改。注:更新的指的是你最后一次更新的链接,而不是指链接的网页是什么时候更新的。
Example: Image, Description and Rating

<pre>例子: 图像, 描述和等级级别

Example 2: Description

例子 2: 描述

Sort Order
How you want the links to be sorted when they're displayed. Possible options are:
  • Name
  • ID
  • URL
  • Rating
  • Updated
  • Random

  • 名称
  • ID
  • URL
  • 等级级别
  • 更新的
  • 任意的
Example: Random

<pre>例子: 任意的

Example 2: Id, descending


Got a whole bunch of links in that one category? Put a number in here to limit how many are shown. If you set the Sort Order to Random, this will show different links every reload/view (if you have enough links in the category, of course).


Example: 5


Auto-Toggle hides all other links in this category so that the new link is the only one displayed on your site. If used, only this link will be visible in the category, even if you try making them manually visible in the Manage Links subpanel. Usage: YES enables and NO disables Auto-Toggle.
Example: Yes


Editing a Category


right|thumb|Link categories To edit an existing category in WordPress 2.0, go to WordPress:Link Categories SubPanel. From the table list of link categories, choose the category you wish to edit and click the Edit link.

right|thumb|链接类别 要编辑WordPress2.0中当前的一个类别,进入链接类别子面板。在这个链接类别表格列表中,选择你想要编辑的类别,并且点击编辑链接。

right|thumb|Editing a link categoryThe category fields to edit and change are the same ones in the previous section on adding link categories.


To save your changes, click Save Category Settings. This will retrun you back to the Link Categories section.


Deleting a Category


right|thumb|Link categories.To delete an existing category, use the WordPress:Link Categories SubPanel.


From the table list of categories, find the category you wish to delete and click the Delete link. Remember, once you have deleted a category from your database, it cannot be undone. This is a permanent delete.


right|thumb|Do you really want to delete that category?A popup window will appear requesting confirmation of the delete. Choose OK to confirm the delete or CANCEL to back out of the delete.


Make your choice, and it'll send you back to the Link Categories screen.




In WordPress 2.0, you can alter how WordPress displays the list of links from this category by modifying the text found in the following three text boxes. However, these options are only used by some themes.


The following template tags are used only with Link Manager:


Before Link
This string of characters or HTML tags which will be inserted before every link in the list of links from this category.
Example: <li>

例子: <li>

Between Link and Description
When a category is set to show the description with the link, this is what separates them.


Example: <br />

例子:<br />

After Link
This string of characters or HTML tags which will be inserted after every link in the list of links from this category.


Example: </li>

例子: </li>

To actually add the category, just click Add Category or Save Category Settings to save the information you've entered.

要真正地添加类别,只要点击添加类别 或者 保存类别设置来保存你输入的信息,即可。

Importing Links


right|thumb|Importing linksWordPress makes it easy to import links into Link Manager. The WordPress:Import Links SubPanel takes an OPML file from a link manager service such as BlogRolling, Blo.gs, and others and imports the information into Link Manager.

right|thumb|导出链接WordPress使得向链接管理器导入链接变得非常简单。导入链接子面板从链接管理器服务例如BlogRolling, Blo.gs,中得到了一个OPML文件,并且向链接管理器导入信息。

OPML (Outline Processor Markup Language) is an XML-based format for transferring information in an environment-independent form. More information at OPML.org.

OPML (标记语言Outline Processor)是一个以XML为基础的形式,用来在一个与外界独立的环境中传递信息。更多的信息,请看看OPML.org

From the WordPress:Import Links SubPanel, you have two choices. Depending upon the services you use, you will choose one of these. If you use another service that isn't on there, proceed with similar actions on that service. If you don't know how to, check with your service.


  1. Go to Blogrolling.com and sign in. Once you’ve done that, click on Get Code, and then look for the OPML code.
  1. 进入 Blogrolling.com并且登录。登录好了之后,点击得到编码,然后查找OPML编码。
  1. Or go to Blo.gs and sign in. Once you’ve done that in the 'Welcome Back' box on the right, click on share, and then look for the OPML link (favorites.opml).
  1. 或者进入Blo.gs并且登录。在右边的'欢迎回来'框中登录好之后,点击分享,然后查找OPML链接(favorites.opml)。
  1. Select that text and copy it or copy the link/shortcut into the box below.

    Your OPML URL: Enter the OPML address

  1. 选择文本并且复制或者将链接/捷径复制到下面的框中。

    Your OPML URL: 输入 OPML 地址

  1. or you can upload an OPML file from your desktop aggregator:

    Upload this file: Enter the OPML address

  1. 或者你可以从你的桌面aggregator上上传一个OPML文件:

    上传这个文件: 输入 OPML 地址

  1. Now select a category you want to put these links in.
  2. Click Import and the file will be imported.
  1. 现在选择一个你相关放入链接的类别。
  2. 点击导入文件就会被导入了。