WordPress:Settings Writing SubPanel

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Settings → Writing

设置 → 写

Use the Writing Options SubPanel to control the interface you use when writing new posts. These settings control WordPress's included WordPress:Write Post SubPanel and the optional Post via e-mail feature.


640px|right|Settings Writing SubPanel


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Writing Settings


Size of the post box
Choose how large, in number of lines, you want for the post content textbox. Selecting a size does NOT limit the size of the actual post; if you write a post that is longer than the size of the textbox, the textbox will generate a scrollbar. A small textbox means everything will fit nicely on your screen, a large textbox means you won't have to scroll as much when writing longer posts.


You can use these checkboxes to control some of your blog's formatting.


  • Convert emoticons such as :-) and :-P to graphics on display - Checking this tells WordPress to convert all of the emoticons in your posts into graphical smilies. For more information on this feature, see WordPress:Using Smilies.
  • 将类似与:-) 和 :-P的字符图释转变为图形 –选中这个框,WordPress将你的文章中的所有的字符图释转变为图形。关于这个功能的更多的信息,请看看使用Smilies
  • WordPress should correct invalidly nested XHTML automatically - Checking this helps make sure that what you write in your posts is valid XHTML code. You should probably check this box since invalid code sometimes causes problems with web browsers. Note: some Plugins may not work correctly when this feature is turned on.
  • WordPress 应该自动地校正无效嵌套的XHTML –选中这个框,能够帮你确认,你所写的内容是有效的XHTML代码。因为无效的代码可能会导致浏览器问题,因此你可能会选中这个框。注:选中这个功能的时候,有的插件可能不能够正常地运行。
Default Post Category
The Category you select from this drop-down is called the default post Category. The default post Category is Category assigned to a post if you fail to assign any other Categories with writing your posts. If you have several Categories, but use one of those Categories more frequently, select that Category here to make your life a little easier.


Default Link Category
The Category you select from this dropdown will be the default Link Category checked when you create new Links. If you have several Categories, but assign one Category more frequently to Links, select that Category.


Post via e-mail


With this option, you can set up your blog to publish e-mails as blog posts. To do this, you would send an e-mail to a specific address you've established for the purpose. More than likely, you will need the help of your web host and/or your e-mail provider. This feature is 100% optional; you can still publish posts from the WordPress:Write Post SubPanel if you don't want to post via e-mail. The Blog by Email article describes this feature in greater detail.

你可以使用这个选项,设置博客将电子邮件发表为博客文章。要实现这一点 ,你要将电子邮件发送到一个特别的地址。你很可能需要你的网络主机或者电子邮件供应商的帮助。这个功能是完全可选择的,如果你不想要通过电子邮件发表文章,你仍然可以在写文章子面板发表文章。通过电子邮件写博客更加详细地描述了这个功能。

Complete the following fields to post by e-mail:


Mail Server
A mail server receives e-mails on your behalf and stores them for retrieval. Your mail server will have a URI address, such as mail.example.com, which you should enter here.


Servers usually use port 110 to receive requests related to emails. If your mail server uses a different port, enter that port number here.


Login Name
If, for example, the e-mail address that you will be using for the writing by e-mail feature is wordpress@example.com, then 'wordpress' is the Login name.


Enter the password for the above e-mail address here.
Default Mail Category
WordPress will assign this Category to all of the posts published via the Post by e-mail feature. Note: You can create new Categories in Administration > Manage > Categories.

;密码:在这里输入上述的电子邮件地址的密码。 ;默认邮件类别:WordPress会将通过电子邮件发表到所有文章,归档到这个类别下。注:你可以自傲管理>管理>类别中创建新的类别。

Update Services


When you publish a new post, WordPress automatically notifies the update services of the sites listed in the box. For more about this, see WordPress:Update Services on the Codex. When entering services, separate multiple URIs with line breaks. If your Privacy Settings Blog Visibility is set to "WordPress is not notifying any Update Services because of your blog's privacy settings", the message "WordPress is not notifying any Update Services because of your blog's privacy settings" is displayed.

:当你发表一篇新的文章的时候,WordPress会自动地通知框中所列的站点,这个更新服务。更多的内容,请看看Codex中的更新服务。输入服务的时候,请用行分隔符,将多个URIs分开。如果你的保密设置 博客可见性设置为"因为你的博客设置了保密,WordPress不会通知任何更新服务",就会显示信息"因为你的博客设置了保密,WordPress不会通知任何更新服务"。

Save Changes


Click the Save Changes button to ensure any changes you have made to your Settings are saved to your database. Once you click the button, a confirmation text box will appear at the top of the page telling you your settings have been saved.


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