WordPress:Administering Your Blog

Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年6月10日 (二) 17:46的版本
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Generally, the daily tasks associated with administering your WordPress site are quick and easy to do, freeing you to concentrate on the content, editorials, and stories you want to share with the world, and allowing you to get back to other activities.


Here is a quick look at the various activities involved in administering your WordPress site. Some of these may need to be done daily, while others can be done weekly, monthly, or less frequently. It depends upon your blogging activity level and the intent of your WordPress site. Your usage may vary. ;-)


Daily Tasks


Login and Write


Most people begin by logging into their WordPress site because they have news, information, or even a story to tell. They often head directly to the Write Post screen. That's where the post's title is set, the actual writing of the post happens, categories chosen, and any other minor details noted. With a simply click of the mouse on the Publish button, everything's live on the blogosphere!


If you have images to upload to your site, you can easily switch to the Manage > Files screen and upload images to your WordPress site. You can then either add these to your new posts, or visit the Manage > Posts panel and click Edit to edit the post in which you now wish to add an image. Again, click SAVE and it is released to the world.

如果你有图像要上传到你的站点,你可以轻易地切换到管理 > 文件界面并且上传图像到你的WordPress站点。然后你可以添加这些图像到你的新的文章中后者访问管理 > 文章面板并且点击编辑你想要添加图像的文章。再点击保存,文章以及文章中的图像便向世界展示了。

Ah, but then there are those Drafts sitting at the top of the Write Post screen, just staring at you. Yes, it's time to clean house and send those drafts to the trash or out into the world. It's your choice. Since you once thought of them as things of importance, be sure to give them another consideration before deleting them. There may be something in there that you still want published on your blog.

阿,但是在写 文章界面的上方,有那些草稿,正在凝视着你。对,是时间要清理一下了,将这些草稿删除到回收站中或者将这些草稿发表。这要根据你自己的选择。既然你曾经认为这些草稿是重要的,在你删除这些草稿之前,要再三考虑一下。草稿中可能会有一些内容,你想将这些内容发表到你的博客中。

With WordPress, you have a variety options for dealing with your posts. Just because you have five, 10, or even 15 posts written doesn't mean you have to release all of them today. In fact, many people work ahead, creating content for their blog, but what they do is set the Publish for a specific date in the future. When the day and time you select arrives, like magic, WordPress automatically publishes the post on your blog. You could be sleeping, on a business trip, or sitting on the sunny sands of a Caribbean beach sipping pina coladas next to that special someone.


Checking Comments


After you've cleaned up the content on your site, it's time to find out what other people have been saying about your blog entries. On the Manage > Comments panel, you can inspect the comments posted to your site. If a comment has been marked for moderation approval, it will be a lighter color than the rest of the comments. Simply click Edit Comment to access the comment. If it's fine, set it to be approved. If it's SPAM, select Delete Comment and it's gone forever!

你整理好了站点上的内容之后,就要其他人对你的博客文章是怎样评论的。在管理 > 评论面板上,你可以检查发表在你的站点上的评论。如果一个评论被标记为审核 允许,这个评论就会比其它的评论颜色轻一些。只要点击编辑评论就可以访问这个评论。如果这个评论没有什么问题,这个评论就会通过。如果评论是垃圾邮件,选择评论,评论就会永远消失!

The Moderation Panel will segregate the comments awaiting moderation from the rest of the comments if you've set your Discussion Options to moderate all comments. This allows for quick and easy comment moderation.

如果你将你的讨论选项设置为审核所有的评论,审核 面板会将等待审核的评论与其它的评论分开。这样评论审核就会变得更加地快捷和简单。

Determining which comments to keep and which to delete can be a challenge. Be aware that often nice comments like "I really like your site. Keep up the great work." and "It shows you put a lot of time and effort in this. Thanks." might be benign comments, or more likely comment spam. To help you determine and check on what might be comment spam, and how to increase your protection against comment spammers, the Codex has articles to help you out.


Users and Authors


If you have set your site set up to allow users to register and submit articles, stop by your Users panel to check on those who have registered and make any adjustments to their User Levels as needed.

如果你将你的站点设置允许用户来注册和提交文章,顺便查看你的用户面板来查看那些已经注册的用户,并且根据需要对他们的用户 级别做一些调整。

If you do allow users to post articles, be sure to check the Manage > Posts for any newly posted articles in the the Drafts area awaiting your review and release.

如果你真的允许用户发表文章,要确定查看管理 > 文章草稿区任何最新发表的,等待你查看,和发表的文章。

Check The Dashboard


At this point your daily tasks are about complete. Your site is up-to-date and on its way to entertaining and educating the world. But there is one last task you might want to check. Stop by your WordPress Dashboard panel and check to see if there are any new activities going on in the WordPress Community, especially any announcements about upgrades.


While there, take advantage of your handy "To Do List" featured on the Dashboard called the Latest Activity. This lists your most recently released posts, the next batch of scheduled entries, recent comments, blog stats, and incoming links (referrers). This helpful information lets you know what has been released to the public from your site, what is next on the list, and shows you at a glance, the most recent comments.

到那儿之后,利用Dashboard上称作 最新活动的"To Do List"功能。这个列出了你最近发表的文章,以及将要发表的文章,最近的评论,博客统计数据,和引入的链接(referrers)。这个有用的信息会让你知道你的站点上最近发表了什么,即将要发表什么,并且让你浏览最近的评论。

The blog stats and incoming links give you different information. The Stats give you information about how many posts, comments, and categories are on your site. While this isn't really critical information, you can use it as a general scoreboard or counter. The incoming links information tells you who has pinged or trackbacked to your site. This helps your link popularity for your site and gives you an idea of who thought your site's material was worthy of praise.

博客统计数据和导入的链接给你提供了不同的信息。统计数据给你提供的信息,关于你的站点上有多少文章 ,评论,和类别。虽然这并不是至关重要的信息,你可以将这个信息看做一个总的scoreboard或者counter。引入的链接的信息会向你描述谁pinged 或者trackbacked 到了你的站点。这个帮助你给你的站点链接一些受欢迎的站点,同时也使你知道谁认为你的站点值得表扬。

And just in case you need a little guilt or prodding, if you look at the bottom of the page, guess what you'll see? That's right! It's your list of Drafts, waiting patiently for you to perfect and publish them. 以防你感到愧疚或者后悔,如果你看看页面的底部,猜猜你看到了什么?对!你看到了你的草稿,草稿正在等待你将它完善并发表呢。

Administration Tasks


As the administrator or site owner, there are a few more tasks you should add to your schedule. These do not have to be done daily, but they still need to be done on a regular basis. Many of these are outlined in the articles WordPress:WordPress Housekeeping and WordPress:WordPress Site Maintenance. In general they are:


More Administration Resources

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