WordPress:Support Forum Volunteers

Seadragon530讨论 | 贡献2008年5月12日 (一) 14:18的版本
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The Support Forum Volunteers are the members of the WordPress Support Forum providing answers to your WordPress problems and issues.


论坛支持志愿者是WordPress 支持论坛的成员,为你的WordPress问题提供解答。

If you are interested in volunteering and helping out in the WordPress Forum, there is no criteria. Just pitch in where you see fit. It is recommended that you have the following:

  • Familiarity with WordPress functions and features
  • Familiarity with WordPress terminology
  • Ability to understand the intent behind the question, not just the question (not everyone can write English very well so sometimes we have to interpret or ask more questions)
  • Patience
  • Willingness to go the extra step

Guidelines for everyone using the forum can be found at WordPress:Using the Support Forums. To keep up with news and information about activities on the Forum, and to ask questions about volunteering, sign up for the wp-forums mailing list.

For questions, discussions and other information, click the Discussion Tab at the top of this page.


  • 熟悉WordPress 功能和特色
  • 熟悉WordPress术语
  • 能理解问题背后的目的,不只是问题本身(不是任何人都可以流利的写英文的,所以有时候我们不得不翻译或者问更多的问题)
  • 耐心
  • 更上一层的决心


对于问题,讨论和别的信息,点击页面顶部的 讨论标签

Forum Structure

To familiarize you with the structure of the WordPress Forum, here are the various sections and related Codex articles that may help:




Problems with getting it running: Inquiries and information is provided here to help members with the installation process of WordPress.


运行问题: 这里提供了调查和信息来帮助会员的WordPress安装过程问题。

How-To and Troubleshooting

Once it's running: Generally, this is the catch-all section for all questions about installing, troubleshooting, themes, queries, templates, all the various aspects of WordPress.


运行之后: 一般来说,这是一个关于安装,发现并处理问题,主题,请求,模板以及WordPress各个方面的的包罗万象的部分。

Themes and Templates

XHTML and CSS: Questions about WordPress Themes, CSS, XHTML, structure, layout and design are usually found here.


XHTML 和 CSS: 关于WordPress主题,CSS,XHTML,结构,布局和设计的信息都可以在这里找到。

Plugins and Hacks

Extensions and modifications: This is where information and questions about WordPress Plugins are made and sometimes requests for new plugins. While it is recommended users ask plugin authors for technical support first by checking the author's site, most people begin their questions in this section.


扩展和修改: 这里是关于WordPress 插件和的信息和问题,有时要求有新的插件出现。推荐用户询问插件作者得到技术支持,通过查看作者的站点,大多数人从部分开始了他们的问题

Requests and Feedback

Feature requests and criticism: Generally, this is the section where people can request modifications, improvements, and give feedback about WordPress. Answers are not always necessary, but if there are bug reports or requests that are already in place, answers need to be provided.


请求和批评功能: 一般情况下,这个部分人们可以要求修改,改进,或者给一个关于WordPress的反馈。回答并不是必须的,但是如果已经有错误报告或者要求的话,需要提供回答。

Your WordPress

Strut your stuff: The Your WordPress section is solely for requests for WordPress site reviews and comments.

你的 WordPress

Strut your stuff: 你的WordPress这个部分是单独WordPress站点的回顾和评论的请求而设置的。


Almost everything else: Everything else gets set here. This includes news announcements about WordPress or WordPress related topics, information to help WordPress users, and general "doesn't go anywhere else" posts.


所有其他: 所有其他的东西都在这里。这里包括了关于WordPress的新闻声明,或者是相关可以帮助WordPress用户的WordPress的话题,信息,和"不用去其他地方的"文章。