WordPress: Administration Panels:修订间差异

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通过菜单标签访问的每一个面板都在下面的框中显示了。这些框中的链接会带你来到描述这些面板的文章部分。从这些部分中,你可以导航到提供每个面板的更详细信息的文章中。同时,[[WordPress:WordPress_Screenshots|WordPress Screenshots]]也显示了所有的子面板的例子。
通过菜单标签访问的每一个面板都在下面的框中显示了。这些框中的链接会带你来到描述这些面板的文章部分。从这些部分中,你可以导航到提供每个面板的更详细信息的文章中。同时,[[WordPress:WordPress_Screenshots|WordPress Screenshots]]也显示了所有的子面板的例子。
| bgcolor="#fff3f3" style="border:1px solid #ffc9c9; padding: 0.5em 1em 1em; color: black;" width="20%"|
bgcolor="#fff3f3" style="border:1px solid #ffc9c9; padding: 0.5em 1em 1em; color: black;" width="20%"
[[#WordPress:Write - Make some content|写]]
[[#WordPress:Write - Make some content|写]]

2008年6月13日 (五) 13:58的版本

管理面板提供权限来控制你的WordPress安装的特色。所有面板的最高功能分为三个部分:第一个部分,在浓阴影部分,显示了链接连接到[[WordPress:#Dashboard|Dashboard]], 你的基本资料 (以你的用户名显示), [[#WordPress:Log Out|退出], 帮助, 和 [1]。第二个部分显示了你的博客名,以及一个连接到你的博客主页的链接,标记为"访问站点"。第三个部分包含了你可以执行的每个管理功能的菜单标签(和子标签)。

在每个管理面板的底部,在浓阴影部分,是链接连接到WordPress, 文件, 和 Feedback。此外,显示了你安装的WordPress的版本。在菜单标签部分的下面,如果你的版本不是最新的版本,你就会看到信息有一个WordPress的新版本了! 请现在更新"点击提供的链接来下载最新的版本。记住要遵循更新WordPress指示说明。鼓励你使用最新的版本!

通过菜单标签访问的每一个面板都在下面的框中显示了。这些框中的链接会带你来到描述这些面板的文章部分。从这些部分中,你可以导航到提供每个面板的更详细信息的文章中。同时,WordPress Screenshots也显示了所有的子面板的例子。 bgcolor="#fff3f3" style="border:1px solid #ffc9c9; padding: 0.5em 1em 1em; color: black;" width="20%"

| bgcolor="#fff3f3" style="border:1px solid #ffc9c9; padding: 0.5em 1em 1em; color: black;" width="20%"| 管理

| bgcolor="#fff3f3" style="border:1px solid #ffc9c9; padding: 0.5em 1em 1em; color: black;" width="20%"| 设计

| bgcolor="#fff3f3" style="border:1px solid #ffc9c9; padding: 0.5em 1em 1em; color: black;" width="20%"| 评论

|- valign="top" | bgcolor="#fff3f3" style="border:1px solid #ffc9c9; padding: 0.5em 1em 1em; color: black;" width="20%"| 设置

| bgcolor="#fff3f3" style="border:1px solid #ffc9c9; padding: 0.5em 1em 1em; color: black;" width="20%"| 插件

| bgcolor="#fff3f3" style="border:1px solid #ffc9c9; padding: 0.5em 1em 1em; color: black;" width="20%"| 用户




Dashboard子面板给你提供了许多链接,使你开始写[[WordPress:#Post|文章]] 或者[[WordPress:#Page|网页]],还给你提供了许多文章,网页,[[WordPress:#Categories|类别]],和[[WordPress:#Tags|标签]]的统计数据和链接。一个最近的评论框显示了等待审核的[[WordPress:#Comments|评论]]数目和最近评论的列表。同时显示了导入的链接的结构框,来自WordPress发展博客的RSS feeds,以及Planet WordPress。



写 – 构思一些内容






你一旦进入了管理面板,WordPress默认会进入 > 文章子面板。你会使用这个子面板来写新的文章。当你正在写文章的时候,你也可以创建新的类别,新的标签和新的自定义区。此外,任何的媒体(图片,视屏,记录,文件)都可以上传并插入到文章中。


一个网页是添加内容到WordPress站点的另一个工具而且通常被用来呈现站点的"静态"信息;网页本质上通常是"永恒的"。网页的一个很好的例子是包含在"关于" 或者 "联系"网页的信息。一个网页不应该与以时间为导向的事物,例如文章相混淆,WordPress网页也不可以与单词"网页"相混淆,后者指的是任何的网页,或网络上的HTML文件。

Because Pages live outside of the normal blog chronology, and as such, are not displayed with the rest of your Posts, but are displayed individually.


The Write > Page SubPanel allows you to create new Pages. Also see the Pages article for an in depth discussion.

> 网页子面板允许你创建新的网页。关于更深入的讨论,请看看网页文章



Even if you have a beautifully designed content rich blog, your site might be a dead-end if it never references all the other blogs, humor sites, search engines, sports teams, or chicken cacciatore recipies, you love so much! Since you visit those sites all the time, then use the WordPress Link ability to allow your reading public to also enjoy those sites.

即使你有一个内容丰富,设计美观的博客,如果你的站点从来都不提及其它的所有博客,有趣的站点,搜索引擎,体育小组或者chicken cacciatore recipies,这些你所喜欢的内容,你的站点可能还是没有出路。既然你始终都访问这些站点,那么使用链接功能来使你的读者也能够分享这些站点。

WordPress Links can be organized by category, have internal references about your relationship to their destinations, be automatically associated with images, and can even be rated on a scale from zero to nine.


The WordPress:Write Link SubPanel handles the creation of new Links. In the Related section of this panel, links are offered to navigate to Manage All Links, Manage All Link Categories, and Import Links. Note, the Import Links allows you to import links from other blogs, or aggregators. The WordPress:Import Links SubPanel describes the import process for you.

写链接子面板处理了新的链接的创建。在这个面板的相关部分,提供有链接来导航到管理所有的链接, 管理所有链接类被, 和 导入链接。注意,导入链接能够使你导入到来自其它博客,或者aggregators的链接。导入链接子面板向你描述了这个重要的过程。

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Manage - Change your content

管理 – 更改你的内容

All of the actual content of your site can be managed through this admin panel. From here you can see lists of all your Posts, Pages, and Categories and edit or view anything in those lists. On this page you can also edit your Templates and other files used by your blog, Import content from various sources, and Export you blog. 你的站点的所有的实际内容可以通过这个管理面板来管理。在这个管理面板中,你可以看到你的所有的文章,网页,类别的列表,并可以在这些列表中编辑或者浏览任何内容。在这个网页上,你也可以编辑模板和你的博客使用的其它文件,从不同的资源中导入内容,并且导出你的博客。



Upon visiting the Manage Panel, WordPress defaults to the WordPress:Manage Posts SubPanel. On this SubPanel you can select the Post to edit or delete. Multiple Posts can be selected for deletion. Various search and filtering options allow you to find the Posts that you want to edit or delete.




The Pages sub-tab, under the Manage tab, provides access to the WordPress:Manage Pages SubPanel. On this SubPanel you can select the Page to edit or delete. Multiple Pages can be selected for deletion. Various search and filtering options allow you to find the Pages you want to edit or delete.




The Links sub-tab, under the Manage tab, provides access to the WordPress:Manage Links SubPanel. On this SubPanel you can select the Link to edit or delete. Multiple Links can be selected for deletion. Various search and filtering options allow you to find the Pages you want to edit or delete.




Every Post in WordPress is filed under one or more Categories. Categories allow the classification of your Posts into groups and subgroups, thereby aiding viewers in the navigation and use of your site.


Each Category may be assigned to a Category Parent so that you may set up a hierarchy within the category structure. Using automobiles as an example, a hierarchy might be Car->Ford->Mustang. In creating categories, recognize that each category name must be unique, regardles of hierarchy.


When using the WordPress Default Theme (sometimes called Kubrick, this is one of the two themes delivered with WordPress), Categories are shown in two different places on your blog First, the Categories are listed as links in the Category section of your sidebar, and second, all the Categories to which a given post belongs are displayed under that post. When someone viewing your blog clicks on one of those Category links, a archive page with all the Posts belonging to that Category will be displayed.


The WordPress:Manage Categories SubPanel allows you to add, edit, and delete Categories, as well as organize your categories hierarchically. Multiple Categories can be selected for deletion. A search option allows you to find the Categories you want to edit or delete. Also remember Categories can be added in the WordPress:Write Post SubPanel.




Tags are the keywords you might assign to each post. Not to be confused with Categories, Tags have no hierarchy, meaning there's no relationship from one Tag to another. But like Categories, Tags provide another means to aid your readers in accessing information on your blog.


When using the WordPress Default Theme (sometimes called Kubrick, this is one of the two themes delivered with WordPress), Tags are displayed under each Post those Tags are assigned. Someone viewing your blog can click on one of those Tag links, and an archive page with all the Posts belonging to that Tag will be displayed.


The WordPress:Manage Tags SubPanel allows you to add, change, or delete Tags. Multiple Tags can be selected for deletion. A search option allows you to find the Tags you want to edit or delete. Also remember Tags can be added in the WordPress:Write Post SubPanel.


Link Categories

链接 类别

Links, like Posts, can be categorized. Categorizing Links aids your audience in navigation of your Links. Each Link Category may be assigned to a Link Category Parent so that you may set up a hierarchy within the Category structure. In creating categories, recognize that each Category name must be unique, regardless of hierarchy.


The WordPress:Manage Link Categories SubPanel allows you to add, edit, and delete Link Categories, as well as organize your Link Categories hierarchically. Multiple Link Categories can be selected for deletion. A search option allows you to find the Link Categories you want to edit or delete. Also remember Link Categories can be added when adding or editings Links.


Media Library


Media is the images, video, recordings, and files, you upload and use in your blog. Media is typically uploaded and inserted into the content when writing a Post or Page. Note that the Uploading settings in the WordPress:Settings Miscellaneous SubPanel describes the location and structure of the upload directory. 媒体是你上传并且在你的博客中使用的图像,视屏,录音带,唱片。当写一篇文章或者网页的时候,媒体通常被上传并且插入到内容中。注意,设置 Miscellaneous 子面板中的上传设置描述了上传目录的位置和结构。

The WordPress:Manage Media Library SubPanel allows you to delete Media previously uploaded to your blog. Multiple Media objects can be selected for deletion. Search and filtering ability is also provided to allow you to find the desired Media.




WordPress supports the importing data from a number external sources. In many cases, posts, comments, pages, categories, tags, and users, can be imported.

WordPress 从许多的外部资源中提供导入数据。在大多数情况下,可以导入文章,评论,网页,类别,标签,和用户。

The WordPress:Manage Import SubPanel list the software packages that WordPress can import and details what types of data from each of those platforms qualifies for import. Also see Importing Content for a more extensive list of import possibilites.




WordPress Export will create an XML file for you to save to your computer. The format, which is called a WordPress eXtended RSS or WXR file, will contain your posts, comments, custom fields, categories, and tags.

WordPress导出会为你创建一个XML文件来保存到你的电脑上。这个形式,称作一个WordPress eXtended RSS或者 WXR文件,会包含你的文章,评论,自定义区,类别和标签。

The WordPress:Manage Export SubPanel guides you through the easy process of exporting your blog. Take note that the Exporting is a useful method to backup your WordPress data.


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Design - Change the Look of your Blog

设计 – 更改你的博客的外观

From the Presentation Administration Panel you can control how the content of your blog is displayed. WordPress allows you to easily style your site by either installing and activating new Themes or changing existing Themes.




A Theme is the overall design of a site and encompasses color, graphics, and text. A Theme is sometimes called the skin. WordPress site-owners have available a long list of Themes to choose from in deciding what to present to their sites' viewers. In fact, with the use of the Theme Switcher Reloaded Plugin, visitors can select their own Theme.

主题是站点的总体设计,包括颜色,图形,和文本。主题有时候称之为外皮。WordPress站点主人提供了很长的主题列表来供你选择,并且决定向站点的访客呈现什么内热。事实上,通过使用主题 Switcher重载插件,访客可以选择他们的自己的主题。

From the WordPress:Design Themes SubPanel you can choose which Theme will be presented to user visiting your site.ou have already downloaded will be used for your site. You can also view screenshots of each Theme you have uploaded to your site. Note: See WordPress:Using Themes for information on finding, downloading, and uploading Themes.




Widgets are gadgets or gizmos that allow you to add various pieces of information to your Theme's sidebar content. Widgets, for example, can be used to add Categories, Archives, Blogroll, Recent Posts, and Recent Comments to your sidebar. The WordPress Default 1.6 and WordPress Classic 1.5 Themes, delivered with WordPress, are both widget compatible.


From the WordPress:Design Widgets SubPanel you can add, delete, and configure, the Widgets use in one or more of your Theme's sidebar.


Theme Editor


Use the Theme Editor to edit the various files that comprise your Themes. The WordPress:Design Theme Editor SubPanel allows you to designate which theme you want to edit then displays the files in that theme. Each file (Template and CSS) in the theme can be editted in the large text box.


For more information about the code used for Themes, see WordPress:Theme Development, WordPress:Templates, WordPress:Stepping Into Templates, WordPress:Template Hierarchy, and the page on WordPress:Template Tags.

更多的关于主题使用的编码的信息,请看看主题发展, 模板, 走进模板, 模板层级,以及模板标签上的网页。

Header Image and Color


The Header Image and Color feature allows you to manage the look and feel of a Theme's header. This option will only be present if the Theme author has configured to header to allow this capability. For instance, the WordPress Default Theme (sometimes called Kubrick, this is one of the two themes delivered with WordPress) allows you to set the font color, the lower color (lower part of the header), the upper color, the whole header color.


The WordPress:Design Header Image and Color SubPanel describes the details of this feature.


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Comments are a feature of blogs which allow readers to respond to Posts. Typically readers simply provide their own thoughts regarding the [[WordPress:#Content|content]] of the post, but users may also provide links to other resources, generate discussion, or simply compliment the author for a well-written post.


Comments can be controlled and regulated through the use of filters for language and content, and often times can be queued for approval before they are visible on the web site. This is useful in dealing with comment spam.


In the Comments SubPanel you can edit and delete as well as mark comments as spam. Comments that are awaiting moderation can be marked as approved or previously approved comments can be unapproved. Multiple comments can be selected and approved, marked as spam, unapproved, or deleted. A section at the top of the Comments SubPanel displays the number of comments awaiting moderation and the number of approved comments. A search box allows you to find specific comments


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Settings - Configuration Settings

设置 – 配置设置

You might think, "All these other things I've been doing so far at the Administration Panels have involved 'Settings'. Are these 'Settings' any different?" The answer would be, "Yes." All the settings you've encountered in the other Administration Panels have dealt with very specific parts of your site, or have been of limited scope (only applying to one Category, for example). In the Settings Administration Panel are all of the settings that define your blog as a whole: settings which determine how your site behaves, how you interact with your site, and how the rest of the world interacts with your site.

你可能会想:"我在管理面板中所执行的所有任务都涉及到'设置'。这些 '设置' 有什么不同吗?" 答案是, "是的。" 你在其它的管理面板上看到的所有的设置只是处理你的站点的某些特别的部分,或者只在一定范围内,起作用(例如,可能只应用于一个类别)。设置管理面板中有所有的定义你的博客的设置:决定你的站点是怎样呈现的设置,你怎样与你的站点互动的设置,其它人怎样与你的站点互动的设置。

The following SubPanels control these settings. 以下的子面板控制了这些设置。



The WordPress:Settings General SubPanel is the default SubPanel in the [[WordPress:#Settings: Configuration Settings|Settings Administration Panel]] and controls some of the most basic configuration settings for your site: your site's title and location, who may register an account at your blog, and how dates and times are calculated and displayed.

设置总子面板是[[WordPress:#Settings: Configuration Settings|设置管理面板]]中的默认子面板,控制了你的站点上的一些最基本的配置设置:你的站点的标题和位置,谁会在你的博客上注册一个帐户,时间和日期是怎样计算和显示的。


Using the WordPress:Settings Writing SubPanel, you can control the interface with which you write new posts. These settings control the size of the 'post box' in the WordPress:Write Post SubPanel, the default Category, the default Link Category, the default image sizes, and the optional Post via e-mail feature.




The settings in the WordPress:Settings Reading SubPanel are few in number, but still important. You can decide if you want posts, or a "static" Page, displayed as your blog's front (main) page. You can also adjust how many posts are displayed on that main page. In addition, you can adjust syndication feed features to determine how the information from your site is sent to a reader's web browser or other applications, and you can decide if your blog should show Gravatars and their ratings.

设置阅读子面板中的设置较少,但是仍然很重要。你可以决定在你的博客的首(主)页上显示文章, 还是一个 "静态的" 网页。你也可以调整主页上要显示多少篇文章。此外,你可以调整syndication feed功能来决定从你的站点上发送多少信息到读者的网络浏览器或者其它的应用软件上,而且你可以决定你的博客是否要显示Gravatars 和它们的等级级别。



The WordPress:Settings Discussion SubPanel allows you to control settings concerning incoming and outgoing comments, pingbacks and trackbacks. You can also control from this SubPanel the circumstances under which your blog sends you e-mail notifying you about the goings on at your site.




The WordPress:Settings Privacy SubPanel controls your blog visibility to search engines such as Google and Technorati. You can decide if you would like your blog to be visible to everyone, including search engines (like Google, Sphere, Technorati) and archivers. If you don't want your blog available to the search engines you can block search engines, but allow normal visitors to see your site.




For a nice introduction to Permalinks, check out the Pretty Permalinks section of WordPress:Introduction to Blogging. But briefly, and to quote the WordPress:Settings Permalinks SubPanel itself:

关于 Permalinks的一个非常好的介绍,请查看写博客介绍Pretty Permalinks部分。但是暂时,引用设置Permlinks子面板本身。

By default WordPress uses web URIs which have question marks and lots of numbers in them, however WordPress offers you the ability to create a custom URI structure for your permalinks and archives. This can improve the aesthetics, usability, and longevity of your links.


This [[WordPress:Settings Permalinks SubPanel controls how that custom URI structure is defined. For a more in depth description of the way this structure is specified, see the WordPress:Using Permalinks page.

这个[[WordPress:Settings Permalinks SubPanel 控制了自定义URI结构是怎样定义的。关于这个结构是怎样规定的更深入的描述,请看看使用Permalinks网页 。



WordPress has so many features, that some of them defy categorization. Features like file uploads, link tracking and support for custom "hacks" can be controlled from the WordPress:Settings Miscellaneous SubPanel.

WordPress有许多的功能,有的功能不服从于分类。像文件上传,链接tracking 和对自定义"hacks"的支持,可以从设置Miscellaneous子面板中控制。

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Plugins - Add Functionality to your Blog

插件- 给你的博客添加功能

WordPress:Plugins allow you to add new features to your WordPress blog that don't come standard with the default installation. There are a rich variety of Available Plugins for WordPress, and with the following SubPanels, plugin installation and management is a snap.




The Plugins SubPanel allows you to view the plugins you've downloaded and choose which plugins you want activated on your site. For information on downloading and installing plugins, see WordPress:Managing Plugins.


Plugin Editor


Using the WordPress:Plugins Plugin Editor SubPanel, you can modify the source code of all your plugins. 使用插件插件编辑器子面板,你可以修改你的所有插件的源代码。,

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Users - Your Blogging Family

用户 – 你的博客之家

Every blog probably has at least two users: admin, the account initially set up by WordPress, and the user account you, as the author/owner of the blog, use to write posts. But maybe you want more; perhaps you want several authors for your blog. If you want a person to be able to post to your blog, that person must have access to a user account; typically, every person will have her or his own user account.


At the Users Administration Panel, you can set up all of the user accounts you need. An important administrative feature here is the Roles feature. Depending on their Role, different users have different Capabilities. Briefly, a user can be assigned the following Roles: Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, or Subscriber.

在用户管理面板,你可以设置你需要的所有的用户帐户。这个拥有的一个重要的管理功能就是角色功能。根据他们的角色,不同的用户会有不同的权限。简单来说,一个用户可以分配到以下的角色: 管理员, 编辑, 作者, 投稿者, 或者订阅者

You can also specify your and others' personal information such as name, e-mail, etc. from the User Administration Panel. 你可以在用户管理面板上指定你自己的或者他人的个人信息,例如姓名,电子邮件,等等。

Authors & Users

作者 & 用户

You can create new users and manage the accounts of all your site's users at the WordPress:Users Authors and Users SubPanel. 你可以在用户作者和用户子面板上创建新的用户并且管理你的站点的用户的帐户。

Your Profile


The WordPress:Users Your Profile SubPanel is the default SubPanel for the [[WordPress:#Users - Your Blogging Family|User Administration Panel]]. Here you can specify your name and how it will be displayed on your site, your e-mail address (for administrative purposes) and other personal information.

你的基本资料子面板是[[WordPress:#Users - Your Blogging Family|用户管理面板]]的默认子面板。你可以在这个子面板上规定你的姓名,以及姓名会怎样地显示在你的站点上,你的电子邮件地址(为了便于管理)和其它的个人信息。

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Log Out


The Log Out link is found at the top right corner in the Administration Panels. It is simply a link that will log you out from your WordPress blog.


When you log in to your blog, WordPress stores a so called "cookie" in your web browser. This cookie allows WordPress to remember who you are; if you leave your blog's site for a while but come back to it later, WordPress will see the cookie and not require you to log in again.


However, the cookie cannot tell WordPress who is using the WordPress; in other words, WordPress has no way of looking back at you through your monitor to determine if you are really you. If you have a WordPress cookie set in your web browser, anyone using your computer can access the Administration Panels of your blog. If you don't want this to happen (perhaps you are using a public computer or a computer which other people use), you can click this Log Out link, and WordPress will delete the cookie from your web browser.

然而,cookies并不会告诉WordPress正在使用WordPress;换句话说,WordPress 不能通过你的监控器来回顾,看看你是不是先前的你。如果你的网络浏览器中设置了一个WordPress cookie,任何人使用你的电脑可以访问你的博客的管理面板。如果你想让这种情况发生,(也许你使用了一个公共的电脑或者这个电脑其他人也在使用),你可以点击这个退出 链接,WordPress就会在你的网络浏览器中删除cookie。

You can, of course, log in at some later time. 当然,你可以稍后在登录。

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